Right about now you’re probably wondering “Who the heck is this guy?”
So I suppose I should introduce myself. I’m John Logan, the author of The Millennial Money Tree – How to (literally) Insure Financial Security in Your Golden Years.

I’m a 20+ year veteran of the financial services industry – as a financial literacy coach, advisor, insurance agent/broker and consumer advocate, insurtech innovator, influencer and instigator. I tend to rock the boat in industries that used to frown on revolution.
Technology has transformed the way people can now access their money, save it, invest it and to some degree, moved too fast for both innovators and consumers to fully understand the extent that it’s being used both in your favor and against you at the same time.
In that regard, knowledge is power.
Technology has also forced some institutions which aren’t big fans of evolutionary change – like the insurance industry – to reluctantly embrace it, but unlearning old habits is hard for a 100+ year old highly regulated industry. And since I tend to question the status quo, I am probably equally regarded as a thought leader and a rabble-rouser in that industry.
Quite frankly, I’m not sure which one I enjoy more.
In my younger years I was a portrait painter, a bar and nightclub owner, a magazine publisher, Senior Director of New Product Development for the Great Lakes States Baby Bell, Ameritech (now part of AT&T again), Global Director of Operations for the HR software company Peopleclick (now Peoplefluent) in its heading startup days and the founder and CEO of the first company in the world to offer actual Divorce Insurance, SafeGuard Guaranty Corporation.
Now I’ve added “Best Selling Author” to that list.

Along the way I’ve won awards from companies, organizations and Presidential administrations. I’ve also been fired more than once. I’ve had some pretty fabulous successes and spectacular failures. I’ve been married and divorced twice. I’ve worked at Sam’s Club and Walmart to make ends meet. I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Rich is better, but having a sudden change of fortune shows you who your friends are. And I wouldn’t trade one minute of any of it.
I’ve had a house burn down. I’ve been hit head on by a drunk driver. For me, every day above ground is a good day. It can be for you too.
My point in telling you all this is not to boast but to show you I’ve been around the block more than once, and I’ve spent more than enough time on the not-so-shiny side to know that’s not where anyone wants to end up. In fact, when my insurance company, SafeGuard Guaranty, was regulated out of business with the stroke of a pen by insurance regulators (it turns out that the big dogs in the insurance industry wield a lot of power with law makers and they don’t like it when a new product comes along that threatens to carve up their cash cow and eat their lunch) I lost more money than many people make in a lifetime. But I recovered. Quicker than anyone thought possible. So if you’re up to your eyeballs in debt, been there…done that. It’s fixable!
Whether you’re just starting your career in a highly competitive industry or going your own way by pioneering a new business or technology or as an entrepreneur in any industry – I know your pain. I know what keeps you up at night. I’ve worried how I was going to pay my rent when I was unemployed. I know what’s it like to have to completely rebuild your credit score. I know the determination you live and breathe every waking moment to prove to yourself and others that you can make your dreams come true.
I’ve done it. You can too. I’ll be happy to help. You don’t have to have a degree in finance to gain the savvy and financial literacy you’ll need to exceed your financial goals more than you imagined. You got this.
Think of me as that crazy Uncle that nobody’s quite sure what he does for a living but they’re always asking him for advice – because he’s nearly always…eventually…right. And think of this blog as my stream of consciousness where you can pick and choose the advice that fits your particular situation. Take what makes sense to you, but ignore the rest at your own peril. Fair warning. Nothing I tell you will be based on theory. Statistics are your friends. Ask any world-class poker player. Success leaves clues.
All that said, I’m glad you’re here. I’m always appreciative of feedback so if you like what you see here/read here…or on the flip side, if you disagree with my point of view, let me know. Either way, while I can’t promise I’ll respond to each and every commentary, I promise that yours will be important to me.
To contact me just click here.